Congratulations to the hairdresser with the new year 

On New Year are all very necessary:
Cut, curled locks,
Bring mustaches in order,
Or strands increase.

There will hairdresser.
Hairdryer and scissors will take
Slightly zacheshet slightly better -
Hair form takes.

We want to say thank you,
For beauty, for the light in her eyes.
No hair no attitude,
There is no smile on his lips.

Let the holiday will give you:
Grateful, kind words,
Ease hand, the income of a little more,
Happiness, joy and love. ©

Happy New Year
Masters again in a hurry,
And gave a tribute to fashion,
In poetry the words I write:

Successfully kits,
And haircuts, unvarnished
None of the universe. sweet
Let the year will be for you!

Suppose that will develop well
Career, life, family,
Let him pay you well,
And let friends appreciate. ©

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