
In general, Section Birthday greetings in verse is for you, is designed to help you make a birthday dear one memorable, original and bright. Poems in this section are presented in large numbers, the soul and for every taste! Good and fun birthdays to you, friends, and more! Congratulate the birthday poems are very nice.

What a birthday wish?
Love, health, money, happiness,
Beautiful life overnight,
There is a delicious, enjoying sleep.
To add to wine
A glass of smiles, laughter spoon.
Cocktail is ready. The secret of success -
Stir and drink to the bottom! ©

Congratulations verses

You in Birthday
We wish
Shine like the sun,
Like a bird, fly.

Growing ponemnozhechku,
But do not get old.
Give birth to a bunch of kids -
And not fat.

In a champagne bath,
But many do not drink!
Laugh, fall in love!
And just - live! ©

Funny congratulations verses friend

You sent birthday greetings
Not somehow, not somehow,
Take, my friend, congratulations
In his poems, with the title short: "Be!"
As Perelman, be unselfish,
Be beautiful, like Alain Delon,
Be fruitful, as Okhlobystin,
And like Obama, be smart.

Both Sarkozy, whether elegant,
As Zhirinovsky, be eloquent,
As Kostolevsky, impozanten,
Rather, as Ovechkin, hockey.

As Dzhigurda whether irrepressible,
Serge like animals, love yourself.
Putin, be extremely modest.
And life will rejoice you! ©

Poems birthday woman

Let the rainy street
And the sun was hidden in the clouds,
In your birthday beautiful
We congratulate you in verse!

You so many years our souls greesh,
For us, you are the joy, light, color,
We feel bad - just be sorry,
We happily - and I am glad you are.

And in this glorious, wonderful evening,
You wish with all my heart:
Let there be more of our meetings!
We admire you! ©

We put on our best clothes,
Shoes, etc. .. And waiting for moments,
In order to sign you in my arms
On this beautiful day, my birthday!

Do you have a home, family, work,
All that any of us wants.
Life you acted out a hitch,
Even the money you have enough!

What do wish you, dear!
Stay up to one hundred years of the Goddess!
Joy, love you no edge!
And does not get old now! ©

To wish you a Happy Birthday
We're glad we are now in verse,
Mark would like to congratulation
Thy powerful sweep!

Your life path is grandiose,
Do not go trail and road.
To work either you fit!
Admire you all!

You envy, anger does not know
You appreciate and love friends.
You respect my mother in law
(Separately for mother-pour!).

In the family of the owner of excellent,
How do you co-driver on board.
We say "thank you" to the universe
For the fact that you are in the world! ©

Today, on the birthday,
With you - and explicitly the and thoughts.
And this dedication
In verses - from the heart, sincerely.

Beautiful patterns
Colored with thy soul,
You kindness and wisdom
Creator noted.

Just go through life you
Wonderful, magical!
You today - all the flowers
And all the words soul! ©

You - congratulations!
Verses - our mandate!
Live with pleasure
And raduy us all.

Sorrows not Know
And do not hold grudges.
About the best dream
And with the fate of friends with.

Add to Cart - doubt!
Anxiety - a wreck!
Victories, achievements -
Your corporate identity!

And every moment
You be happy!
So, happy birthday!
Go on! In a good way! ©

In the hall of music and light,
In the hall there is no free seats.
On this glorious birthday
We gathered at the banquet.

Birthday dear!
You made a feast!
We love you and appreciate
For you as a wall!

Lived a hundred years,
Without sorrow and without troubles.
When two hundred years banging,
Once again we come to the feast! ©

Do you mind Chamber
And ideas galore!
Be well! Be rich!
Each year, flourish!

And today, the day of birth,
Forget about all the cases
Away anxiety and excitement!
Whether as a holiday, have fun! ©

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